Tag Archives: Christian ministry
Wisdom from A Love Quilt by Trish McBride – 4
Wisdom from A Love Quilt by Trish McBride – 3
Wisdom from A Love Quilt by Trish McBride – 2
Wisdom from A Love Quilt by Trish McBride – 1

Excellent review of Touching a Nerve by NZ Baptist
Here is Linda Grigg’s review of Touching a Nerve in NZ Baptist
Click here to order print copies or eBook copies
Brendan Boughen; (self-published), 2019, (p132)
ISBN 978-0-473-59343-7
Touching a Nerve has the explanatory subtitle of ‘A curly collection of churchy cartoons by Jim’.
‘Jim’ is the cartooning alter ego of Brendan Boughen. He grew up in the Lutheran church but left traditional faith in his 30s. He tells something of that move away in an earlier collection of cartoons called Gone Astray.
Despite, or perhaps because of, that personal shift, Boughen often draws about the connection between traditional religion, faith, politics, society and social justice.
Cartoon topics
The cartoons in Touching a Nerve sometimes poke a finger at core Christian beliefs. An example is an Olympic ‘mental gymnastics’ athlete who is in a sweat, struggling with the concept of virgin birth.
Others are simply touching. One quotes Isaiah 52:7 about “how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news of happiness…”. The quote hangs in a clear blue sky, above a snow-capped mountain. At the base of the mountain are a school and hospital. Both bear the name of Edmund Hillary. The cartoon was drawn to honour Sir Ed on his passing in 2008. A helpful URL at the bottom of the page leads readers to the explorer and humanitarian’s obituary.
Many of the news-related cartoons have such URLs. Considering that several of them are about events that occurred six or more years ago, this ensures the point being made is not lost on readers.
Other cartoons in the book do not have an underlying message. These fall into the realm of ‘dad jokes’—humour that will either elicit a chuckle, smile or a groan, depending on your sense of humour.
The balance between all the cartoons in this collection means that it is a book that will have something for most people. This shows that some thought has been put into what was selected.
Thought-provoking ‘toons
The famous cartoonist Charles M Schulz, whose Peanuts strips were fodder for Boughen’s imagination as a child, is said to have claimed that “those who find no humor in faith are probably those who find the church a refuge for their own black way of looking at life…”1
And, for this reviewer at least, it was ‘Jim’s’ more pointed cartoons about matters of faith that were most appreciated. I think it is helpful for Christians to examine how their beliefs align with their lived-out lives. Sometimes it requires someone else to prod us, to get this thinking in motion. And in Touching a Nerve, Boughen has provided a gentle stick.
Reviewer: Linda Grigg
You can see the review on the NZ Baptist website here:
World is a challenging place
“The world is a challenging place and the future appears uncertain. We have a choice about how we respond – with despair or with hope.” From the sermon: Living with Real Hope
Making a flax cross
With Palm/Passion Sunday coming up, here’s a YouTube video I made some years ago of how to make a flax cross.

Prayer / Poem of the Week # 23
Prayer / Poem of the Week # 23
Come back each Monday night for a free prayer or poem from one of the books we have published.
Labour Day 25th October
(Nearest Sunday)
God of Nations, we are proud of ours and give thanks that we live in this country.
We are proud to own a founding document,
conceived in a time of peace.
Most treaties are the result of war,
but Our Treaty offers the hope of covenant.
We give thanks that we live in a place of peace and
good intention.
We know human rights do not simply happen,
they are initiated by people of vision,
Negotiated by people wanting justice,
and often achieved at considerable cost.
We give thanks for our forebears who worked for justice.
Despite our proud record of justice and
good working conditions,
Some of our citizens are exploited,
disadvantaged and dis-empowered,
Be with those who are working for justice now.
Despite our fine laws on human rights,
some of our citizens continue to be discriminated against, through circumstances of education, employment, race, disability, gender, and sexual orientation.
We pray for those who are over-worked,
and those who are unemployed.
We pray for the ill-treated, the un-treated,
the dis-empowered and the ignored.
We pray for all who oppress,
be they deliberately malicious or merely insensitive, bosses or bullies, law-makers or church-people;
may they be confronted by their actions
and moved to bring change.
May wisdom prevail.
We pray for families,
in all their diversities,
whatever form they take,
that love may prevail. Amen.
From: Lay Preaching Basics by Rosalie Sugrue (2018)
Click here to Order Print books and here for eBooks

Prayer / Poem of the Week # 14
Prayer / Poem of the Week # 14
Come back each Monday night for a free prayer or poem from one of the books we have published.
Create a quiet place in me, Lord
hush the babble of my mind
the racing of my pulse
then my heart will begin to hear
your ‘gentle, murmuring voice’
Slow me down, Jesus
I need to take time
to see the beauty of creation
the exquisite intensity of your care
that way I’ll come to appreciate
and be thankful
Teach me to listen, Abba
to the cries of those in need
the questions of the confused
so I can learn compassion
In this unquiet world
help me to find a quiet place
and a quiet time
Lord, I need to hear
the counsel of your spirit
the poetry of your love
then I’ll have something to share
with those who cannot hear you.